To Awaken the Masses

Happy New Year

Hi Folks, did you miss me?  I haven’t blogged much in the past couple years, but I’ve made a resolution to start anew.  I may change the name of my blog from OSuzyQuilts, eventually, but for now, I’ll keep the name for auld lang syne.

To start off the New Year – 2017 was so Odd – I hope 2018 is more Even 🙂 – I’ll share a few links that I have found to be especially enlightening.

Links of Interest

I’m sharing links I feel all Americans should see – and at the end of each description – the actual time of each video, so you know what your time commitment will be. The title is the link to the video.

Wealth Inequality in America

If you have ever wondered why the rich get richer and poor get poorer, or even if that’s a thing – this video is a must watch for you.  20 million people have viewed this YouTube video from November, 2012.  I’d like to see this number rise to double that by the end of this year.  Share if you feel the same.  It won’t take much of your time.  The video lays out in precise detail exactly how extreme wealth inequality in the United States is, BUT remember – this video is from 2012, so it’s sure to be a bit worse by now. 6:23 

Corruption is Legal in America

Do you think our representatives actually represent us?  Well, you might be in for a surprise.  Watch this video and find out exactly how congress votes on laws and issues and what “the people” actually support.  5:50

How to Fix America’s Corrupt Political System

Simply stated, as the description of their video states – The vast majority of Americans are fed up with money corrupting politics — but how do we fix it?  5:28

And, for funzies, since I’m in the Land of Lincoln, I thought I would share the various versions of the Gettysburg Address, especially remembering the famous phrase – “and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”  

So, that’s good for a start.  Enjoy.  Comment, and share any links you think I should feature in my next post.  




Dear 1%’ers:

Dear 1%’ers, the 62 richest people in the world who have more wealth than 3.5 billion people (half the population) of the planet, huge multi-national corporations, and all other insanely rich people:

Some will call you Scrooge.  Perhaps that is so.  I wonder, if you could imagine yourself living the Christmas Carol story, would you change?  Would you see that your greed and your hoarding  has detrimental effect not only on the way people see you and the way you view the world, but the potential negative affect on your personal relations and, not just the question of your own very soul, but the question of doing what is in the best interest of all people and the world? 

You are living in a bubble and the jig is up.  We, the 99%, know what you are doing and we know what you have done.  We know that you have pushed for profit over people, the environment, and the welfare of the very planet we all inhabit.  We know of the greed, power, and corruption of our government bought with lobbyists, pay for play, and massive donations to your establishment candidates.  We see your wars for profit and that you try to instill the fear in us of the “enemy.”  We now realize the enemy is the greed, power and money you possess and hoard and continue to grow your already insanely ridiculous wealth to the detriment of the economy, our well-being, and the well-being of the world, while billions live in poverty as you float around the ocean on your fancy yachts and sit in your gilded mansion being waited on by servants.

We see your ownership of the media and stomping on our first amendment rights by confining us to a virtual cage in “free speech zones”.  We see the militarized police state.  We see your owned media bias with blackouts of: important world events, the TPP, a very important Presidential campaign, and more. 

In a way, we are glad you are rich.  We are happy to see people in the world having wealth.  It used to give us hope we could one day climb the ladder of success and out of our poverty or middle class.

But, we now realize how very seldom that happens – as titled – 1% or less – and we also see how things are rigged.  Not just from you pulling the strings – but by advancements in industry and technology.  We are losing our very livelihood to machines.  What choices do we have left?

This letter is an appeal to you – an appeal to look into your heart and consider the implications of all you do to the 99%, our clean water, clean air, our health, our environment, and our very livelihood.  Search your very heart and soul that you may see the future of the human race and this planet depends on you and the decisions you make in the next few years.

I ask that you stop the madness of this election that you have brought on.  Yes – we know the machines are rigged and that Hillary is in your pocket.  We know Trump appears to be crazy and narcissistic – but that he will bow down to your desires when faced with your golden paychecks.

Now is the time to stop the madness.  Give the world the President of the United States who will be the bridge between you and the 99%. You know who that is without my even spelling out his name here – we all know who that is.  Together, we can all build a world that will not only work for all of us, but also for our children and grandchildren and future generations.

The time has come.  The world needs you to STOP THE MADNESS, search deep into your hearts and souls and ask yourself – am I helping to create a better life for everyone on this planet, not just for me, my family, or my bank account? Am I making the world a better place for all, not just for right now, but for well into the future?

We are not asking that you give up all your wealth or power.  We are asking that you use that wealth and power for the highest good of all concerned.  Some call that “love”.  LOVE for your fellow humans.  LOVE for Mother Earth.  And, ultimately, when you live your life to those ends, you will find a very happy place in your heart and soul – one that finds joy in giving that is truly meaningful.  In finding the humanity in yourselves, your light will shine and help others in the world find their humanity, too.

Thank you in advance for reading this letter, for contemplating the ideas put forth here, and for taking action to make whatever changes you see fit within yourself and without to help the world be a better place for all.

I do not want you to think that I condemn your ways.   I do not.  I believe, perhaps, you are only doing what you have been taught, what you may believe is a good and decent way.  I am asking that you take the time to re-evaluate your world view and ask yourself – is this way the best for the world?

I am not asking you to give up your insane wealth, either.  What I am actually asking from you is something none of your millions or billions can buy.

What I am asking of you is to take time out of your busy life, in your gilded mansions to go out into the world – meet the common man; step out of your penthouses, mansions and luxury apartments, in disguise if need be – come meet us – the 99%.  Come see that we are good and decent people who want to work, want to earn our own way, want to provide for our aging parents, sick spouses, and young children.  We need you to help us make a world that works for ALL of us.  Now is the time.

Let’s do this together.  We will help you.  Be our friend, and we will be yours.  Together, we can build a better world, a peaceful world, a sustainable world, a healthier environmentally sound place for us all – where everyone has their basic needs taken care of – food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare – and the rest is innovation, technology, imagination, and a world of peace and harmony we have all dreamed of.


The 99%



Dear 99%

Dear 99%’ers:

In the past few weeks, I have mulled over the idea of a letter to the top 1% richest people in the world, or even the 62 wealthiest who have more wealth than half of the world, or 3.5 billion people!

It occurred to me that maybe, instead of seeing them as the “enemy”, we could solicit their help.  Perhaps I’m wrong. but there will always be this part of me that says these people are human beings and deserve a certain amount of respect and common decency, even though some studies show they truly are out of touch with the common person.

My next post may be my own feeble or grandiose attempt to connect with them on some common level.

I encourage each and everyone of you to pen your own letter.  I sincerely hope mine is but the first of millions or billions, not just in the US, but around the world.

Please remember to stick with the issues, be as kind as you can, and remember to Feel the Bern – or in other words – don’t name call or pick on personality issues.  Instead, stick to facts, real statistics, and the issues facing, not just our country, but the world.

And my #1 issue – #StoptheTPP, #StopTISA, #StopTTIP – because, I believe these trade agreements are truly not in anyone’s best interest but multinational corporations.

Thank  you for your activism!

Sue Maxon

A PTSD Election

I talked to a friend the other day, a fellow Bernie Sanders supporter (Berner), and we talked about experiencing a kind of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

We have since the end of the primaries, since Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary, since the DNC the last week of July – been bummed out from: Bernie not winning, his endorsement of “her”, the fiasco of the DNC according to many Bernie delegates, the blatant (to many of us) election rigging, DNCLeaks, voter suppression and disenfranchisement, potential election fraud, #ExitPollGate, seeing the Bernie vote split between Jill, Trump, Gary, Hill or even those who just don’t want to vote at all now.

And, it occurred to me that it wasn’t that simple. It’s not simply just a case of PTSD.

The reason people feel lost now isn’t just that Bernie lost. We feel, deep down, that WE, the United States and perhaps even the World lost. Not just because we spent our hard earned dollars supporting his campaign, not just because we phone banked and text banked, not just because we knocked on doors and talked to everyone who would show even a slight interest in Bernie’s campaign or even those who didn’t, not just because we feel we are more in-tuned (awake) to the truth of life in America and even life in the world now than perhaps others who we feel may be unaware, not just because of the wars and the military industrial complex, private prison industry, fracking, the rape of our planet, climate change (global warming), the oligarchy, the TPP, our sick government, but so much more we see wrong with the world.

No, what we feel is beyond sadness. It is almost a hopelessness. With Bernie, we saw and felt HOPE like we had never felt before. Because we felt and heard and knew, he was speaking a truth. Maybe it was just a domestic truth, but in our hearts we knew it was the truth of the world. We finally, after years of seeing what we felt was the downfall of our society, our corrupt government bought and paid for by the rich and national and multi-national corporations, lobbyists – that finally, someone was (still) fighting for us, finally, someone was truly “telling it like it is” (and no, it wasn’t Trump). Finally, we had hope that we could change the world for the better, and it wasn’t just Bernie, it was a political revolution, and it wasn’t just him, it was US. We had hope even though we knew that if he won, he probably would not be able to get all he talked about the issues accomplished, and we knew that, yet, we also knew that what was important was that he would continue to fight, and so would we – and that what was even more important than him winning was that his message, our message, would continue to be heard – and heard loudly – and that maybe not just us, but the U.S., and even the rest of the world, could hear and see and believe – the world from a humanistic standpoint, can be and will be a better place for us all.

And, so, now, we are feeling lost, dejected, quieted, afraid, sad, lonely, hopeless – because we wonder if his message has died with his campaign. We feel no one is listening as we see Hillary select Tim Kaine, a centrist, as her running mate; as she selects former Interior Secretary, Ken Salazar as the head of her transition team (a pro TPP guy); as Trump continues to make one political faux pas after another; as we hear of the native American tribes standing against the North Dakota pipeline to preserve their water; as we hear of the flooding in Louisiana which seems to have drawn little national attention; bombing in Syria with pictures of small children; the constant tirade of the DNC blaming Russia; wondering if Julian Assange will make it to his big revelation in October; having just heard Bernie will resume stumping for Hillary in September; and Jeff Weaver is now on Our Revolution though wasn’t he working will Hillary’s national general election campaign?

We wonder – is anyone listening? Are we defenseless against the oligarchy? Has Bernie sold out? Does Jill really have a chance given the split in votes and the polls? Do we, Americans, have to continue to deal with the crumbs that are fed us from the 1%, or continue to see the middle class and those at the poverty level or below continue to decline into abject poverty? Does it matter who is “President of the United States” if the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), and the Trade In Services Agreement (TISA) pass in our legislatures?  Is America, the United States really run by 8 (or sometimes 9) Kings, those who with judicial review decide if a law is upholding or against the Constitution with no government branch or even We the People to question their findings?  We even wonder, is our Constitution specific enough for 2016?  230 years after it was established?

I understand your frustration. This is not just a line palavered by medical professionals in trying health crisis. It isn’t some band-aid to make you feel better. Some platitude meant to give you calm, peace, or reassurance.

No, in this case, I don’t want your frustration to be diminished or minimized. In this case, I want you to do as Bernie stated, “Never, ever lose you sense of outrage!” Keep fighting the fight. We may have lost the battle, but we can win the war.

To see each step that happened – to see that maybe that is how it was supposed to have happened.  To see that if Bernie had won the nomination, would we be working towards a third party possibility? To see that, would we have been as incensed or outraged as we are now, further looking at the unjust wars in the world, the raping of our land for greed and profit, the atrocities being brought on people throughout the world in the name of “freedom” by the U.S. hand,  the fracking and pipelines that continue to rape our fresh water?

To see that, maybe, just maybe, all is right with the world, even though Bernie isn’t the nominee for the highest position in this land of ours, a land of supposed freedom and liberty.

To see that even as Bernie endorses and stumps for her, we KNOW what we have to do to take our country back.  That if he had won or fought the nomination, would we be where we are today?

I used to believe “everything happens for a reason.”  I got away from that thinking for a few years, maybe decades.  Now, I am revisiting this notion – because I have also, in these past few years come to believe this – if you believe you can, you are halfway there.  If you can visualize and imagine the world you want to be, see it, believe it – you, we, can manifest it.  The law of attraction is real.  Imagining and thinking something is the first step to it actually happening!

Will it happen today, in 5 years, in 10 years or in 20 years? There is a notion floating around that Seeing is Believing.  But there is also another notion that Believing is SEEING.  Is that where we are now?  We must imagine and believe it to be possible before it actually is not only possible, but reality?

No matter how you feel about Bernie today, can you see that he has made the idea of the POSSIBLE great, equitable, fair, just, tranquil, serene, enlightened REALITY a more likely possibility?

Can you see that it is not up to him?  That him, as he is now, as everything happens for a reason – that he is exactly where he needs to be, and that even if by some miracle, or is it by us believing it first, that he DOES become President of the United States of America, that even if that becomes our reality, everything has happened as it should?

Because now, we know, we see, we are aware – he needs us to be by his side, helping him and even reminding him, or perhaps he even needs us to take our OWN leadership and initiative – AND to remind us who we are, what we think, what we want -so that truly, we will finally be a country, a world – OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people – for the highest good of all concerned.



All the Democrats hating on Trump.  All the Republican hating on Hillary and Bernie.  Half the Dems hate Hillary.  Half the Dems  hate Bernie.  Half the Republicans hate Trump.

The Republicans fear democratic socialism, Bernie and fear Hillary, too.  One-half of the Dems fear Hillary, do the other half fear Bernie? Do all Democrats fear Trump?

Fear and hate – the two strongest emotions in the world.  Fear and hate only breeds more fear and hate.

What about policy and integrity?  Why don’t we speak of these?   Are we not all Americans?  Are we not all people of one world, one planet?

Change happens when the fear of staying the same is greater than the fear of change.

Which fear is greater for you now?

For me, it’s of things staying the same, as they have for thousands of years.  When will we be done with hate and killing for being a different skin color, sex, nationality, or any of the other reasons?

So, I try to look to our commonalities.  I seek to see the humanity in us all.  I work to love everyone – even if I disagree with their viewpoint.

My vow, from this day forward, focus on our sameness, our similarities.  And when our differences attempt to separate us and hinder our togetherness, I will hold up compassion, discuss to understand, and above all, show love and respect for my fellow human beings.

If we all do that – will it matter who our next President is?  If we all try to understand, sympathize and empathize, then will we be able to see LOVE MATTERS. Would it change the world?


I do not fear or hate Trump.  I find his policies and stance on issues to be poor choices that do not promote love, but divisiveness. I do not see by his words, past actions, and character that he is a man of integrity.

I do not fear or hate Hillary.  She aligns more to my thoughts on policy and issues, but I do not believe she is trustworthy due to her past actions, and I believe she does not have integrity.

Still today, my views and positions align the most with Bernie Sanders, and I find by his actions, his speech, and his life works that he has integrity.

He was and is my only choice – not just for me – for US!  Not just for democrats – but for Americans and even the world.

Because Bernie’s message isn’t just about policy and issues – his message is understanding and love.

I choose to be like Bernie – to do my best to show love, compassion, kindness and understanding to all my fellow human beings.

And, it’s not because I idolize him or see him as a hero.

It’s because I see in him more of what I’d like to see in myself.

Bernie makes me want to be a better person.




Vote for whoever to stop whoever or Stop the TPP

Hi, how you doin? <in my cheesy Joey Tribbiani voice>
Has the cacophony of this election and its constant barrage of bs between long hidden videos and audios (why now?) of Trump and Wikileaks daily dumps (why not before!?) made you want to pull you hair out, grab your metaphorical torch and pitchfork to take our country back, or made you wonder “WTF we are missing with the shit show that is being presented?”
Do you ask yourself daily, besides voting for whoever to stop whoever, what else can I do?
Well, I’ll let you in on something you can do right now, and it takes like about 2 minutes. Seriously, 2 minutes, if even that long. Just click this link and share this post everywhere you can.
This has to do with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). IDK if you noticed, but Bernie Sanders got an almost 3 minute standing ovation at the Democratic National Convention (and it took me looking at 10 videos to find this, interesting…)  His speech at the DNC, which was practically his stump speech, the last item he mentioned was the TPP. Now, if you already know how bad this “free” (not “free”) trade deal is, you can just click below, type in your zip code and be on your way to sending your Senators and House Representative a letter stating that you oppose this “free trade” deal.
If not, continue to read on, and I hope I can convince you to still take those less than 2 minutes to let your representatives know how you feel.
Now, if you are already further activated, you can protest, march, call your representatives, make road signs, and/or pass this on to all of your friends, relatives, political activists, co-workers – anyone really, as many haven’t even heard of it, but those who have – the majority oppose it.
Proponents of the TPP like to pretend that it and similar agreements are all about “free trade,” and that production and service sector jobs alike will end up located wherever they’re most “efficient.” You and I know that’s a load of manure.
Jobs get moved offshore under pacts like the TPP to wherever workers are the most exploited and environmental regulations are the weakest. This offshoring has nothing to do with efficiency, and everything to do with big corporations taking advantage of governments’ willingness to suppress labor, environmental, and pro-democracy advocates.
Far from improving labor and environmental rights in Vietnam and elsewhere, the TPP would give elites even greater opportunity to profit off of continued repression. The TPP must be stopped.
Enough is enough: Urge Congress to speak out for human rights and to oppose the TPP today.
Corporate lobbyists want to sneak the unpopular TPP for a vote in Congress during the Lame Duck session immediately after the U.S. election. We need your help urging Congress to speak out the TPP before then. Please take action now.
Many thanks,
Arthur Stamoulis, Executive Director

Less is more, 2016 sucks so far

I started this really long post about my year so far and decided to condense it.

Lost job first week of January.  Been looking ever since, many interviews, no offers.

I researched presidential candidates for about a month and made my choice the weekend before the Illinois primary.  I’ve never felt this strongly about a candidate or learned so much about politics, democracy, republics, fascism, communism, oligarchy, plutocracy, trickle-down economics, free-market, capitalism, mainstream media blackout and bias, conservatives, liberals, neo-cons, Benghazi, the Humanitarian Party, fracking, the upper 1%, income inequality, LGBT issues, Texas’ attack on Roe vs. Wade, etc.  Can you guess which candidate I voted for?

Hubby started getting sick mid-February.  1st full week of March off work, sick every day, by Friday, GI specialist and endocrine team worried due to increased liver enzymes and jaundice.  Next week, went to work Monday, the 14th, Tuesday morning in ER feeling extreme pain and just unwell.  Jaundice 12.1.  Released after 5 hours, antibiotic, pain meds, follow up with PCP. Stayed home from work Tuesday, half day Wednesday, off Thursday, He followed up with PCP and he said, why did they release you, go back.  Thursday, March 17 pm returned 2:00 to emergency room, released 7:30 pm, did a CT scan, more blood work – found a mass on his kidney, colitis, enlarged prostate.  Half day Friday at work and brought home short term disability papers.

Monday, the 21st, dropped those off to PCP who said, you look terrible, go back to ER, threw up in parking lot on the way out.  Went to ER, they finally admitted him, Billirubin now 20, ran MRI of liver, next day did liver biopsy, two days later did ERCP procedure to unobstruct major bile duct, which wasn’t obstructed.  Still jaundice Friday, the 25th, said they could do no more, transfer to liver specialist in St. Louis.  Finally got down there Sunday,  they hemmed and hawed mainly we found out by Wednesday, the 30th when he was released, because the images and liver biopsy slides were not immediately forwarded to them.  They did colonoscopy, couple small polyps, not cancerous, no other procedures, released.  Liver team was supposed to follow up with appointment, I called them Monday, the 4th, had slides and had scheduled appointment for May 17.  I said that’s not going to work, he’s getting weaker and sicker by the day.

Many calls on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 5th and 6th, to liver team and to GI doctor here, and by Wednesday, he was so weak, I had to take him back to St. Louis because liver team had to conclude their investigation that there was or was not liver damage and/or sign off on having the surgery for mass off kidney, which Urologist here in Springfield believed may actually be causing all his symptoms, it’s an extremely rare renal cancer called Stauffer’s Syndrome.

St. Louis did a few other images and tests and as of Thursday decided it wasn’t the liver, let’s see what the urologist says, get that mass off your kidney to be sure.  He sat in hospital all weekend, not much going on, liquid diet, saw urologist Monday, and was released Monday evening the 11th.

We have appointment next Monday, the 18th, with liver team and urologist in St. Louis, and hope to have a date scheduled for the surgery, as right now, we see the surgery as the beginning of the end, that he can’t start “getting better” or “recovering” until the mass is gone.

He’s home, weak, careful of what he eats so he doesn’t get sick or blocked up – and taking a variety of pills to address the symptoms, not the cause.  If needed, we have serious pain meds, but so far, hasn’t needed the super serious ones.

I still have to get our taxes done, as it’s been crazy for me going to hospital, staying at Dad’s when he was in St. Louis, driving a lot, and otherwise worrying WTF is going on and when we will have an answer and what will it take to get that.

That’s my F’ed up year so far, how about you?



Stitchin' together words and quilts.